Because its true. The journey we have embarked on is for our entire life. Our race, our journey is a moment by moment, day to day striving to grow closer to God and give Him pleasure through our service to others. Since we do not know the length of our lives, we don't know how long we have to complete the course. We don't know if we are in a sprint, or a marathon. We have no corporate sponsor, and we often times, don't have the best equipment.
So, what is some of the equipment you will need in order to successfully participate in your quest for spiritual transformation? James, the brother of Jesus, gives us insight into some of the things we will need in James 1:1-12.
The three essential items are:
- Faith, under pressure;
- Patience to endure;
- Wisdom to make good decisions.
Patience to endure is also modeled by Jesus during his temptation by Satan. No matter how much Satan turned up the pressure or upped the antie, Jesus remained patient and steadfast in his beliefs. When we are confronted by trials, we must embrace them as either spiritual warfare, through which God will protect us, or times of pruning, when we are being taught the lessons we need to learn to grow and mature so that we can be spiritually transformed.
A third essential item needed for a journey to spiritual transformation is the wisdom to make good decisions. Here, James gives us invaluable insight. This piece of equipment is actually the most attainable of the three. James tells us in James 1:5; that if we don't have all the wisdom we need for the journey, all we have to do is ask God for it and that God will grant us all the wisdom we need...lavishly, and without scolding us for asking.
Sounds like a corporate sponsor, with 'state of the art' equipment after all! What are you waiting for, lace up your shoes, and let the journey begin!
Action steps:
1. Think of one area in your life where you are not absolutely dependent on God. Ask God to give you an ability to totally surrender this area to Him.
2. Is there an area in your life where you may be trying to run ahead of God's timing, due to your impatience or inability to wait? Ask God to give you an ability to endure patiently and to wait on his timing.
3. Is there an area in your life where you are overwhelmed, confused, or uncertain? Ask God for wisdom to make good decisions in this area of your life.