Sunday, July 8, 2012

Are You Driven By God?

I went to 'trade' cars a few weeks ago. I've always found this expression, 'trading cars' odd because if I were merely 'trading' cars, I would have gotten one with high mileage, and a lot of mechanical problems, and no money would have changed hands...who would ever do that?

Anyway, I don't know about you, but the process of getting a different vehicle is one I do not look forward to because I always feel that I am getting ripped's just a matter of how badly. As a C- student of Dave Ramsey, I did my homework, this time, and I think I came out 'ok' financially in the process. I guess I will never really know for sure, but the deal is done and the worst thing I can do is over-think it, after the fact.

What I wanted to share with you is about my experience since I drove my 'new to me' car out of the dealership. Having mentioned that I hate to haggle for a car, it won't surprise you that the car I traded, was a 2001, second owner (me), SUV with just under 150,000 miles on it. It had power steering, automatic windows and locks, but that's about it. The biggest thing I noticed when I test drove the 2008 Volkswagen EOS, which I ultimately purchased, was…oh, the technology!

The service department person, a woman, go figure, referred to the car as a 'learning car' in that it 'learns' the habits and the preferences of the driver, which allows the car to anticipate and attend to your driving needs. WOW! This car knows where to set the seats, the mirrors, the windshield wiper speeds, and so on, to your absolute favorite locations...PERFECTION.

Unbeknownst to me...when you buy a pre-owned learning car with an amazing computer brain, unless you get the dealership to re-set the vehicle back to the original factory 'learning' mode, you get the preferences of the prior owner...what a nightmare! While I have developed in my mind, an FBI profile of the prior owner...let's just say that despite all of my research, CARFAX neglected to reveal that the prior owner had a lead foot and drove erratically!

Thankfully, since the service department was closed when my deal was completed, I had some time in my new ride to become familiar with it before I took it back to the dealership to work on my 'punch list' of things which needed tweaking. It was during this conversation that I learned how 'smart' my vehicle is, and that the car's settings could be re-set. Ahh, the difference is night and day! Now the car drives like a dream, smooth as silk, turns on a get the idea.

Funny how our God used my car buying experience to impress upon his 'learning' servant, who He is and how keen His desire for us to understand Him and our brothers and sisters on this planet.

First; about God. He created us. He is smarter than any 'learning' car. He knows that we are wonderfully and uniquely made for an intimate relationship with Him.

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. Psalm 139:13-15

He knows our wiring and our factory settings. What's better, when we became Christians, Jesus erased our sinful 1st owner settings, and re-set us with our new and improved Holy Spirit driven 'learning' capabilities...with a goal toward perfection!

Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. John 20:21-23

The problem is that we forget who made us, and who should drive us.  God wants us to be a learning

 Trust Him to map out the best route, determine our travel companions, and to suggest the best sights along the way;

Spend time with Him to re-fuel and undergo routine maintenance;

Rely on Him to warn us of the dangers and obstacles in the roadway, and to help us navigate both the hills, and the valleys on our journey.

Second; about us. We forget that we can be a powerful vehicle for God. Sometimes we are so focused on getting there, or asking, "are we there yet?"...that we miss out on the learning opportunities He provides for us on our spiritual transformation journey. Think how amazing our lives would be if we made a conscious effort to learn how:

●We are wired based upon our spirit gift in Romans 12:6-8, and our service gifts;

●Our immediate friends and family members are wired, so that we can better attend to their needs and desires;

●We can be a powerful vehicle for God through serving others through our gifts, talents, and abilities.

Life is so much more than merely getting from point A to point B. Ask God to make you aware of those areas where He wants you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind...and then enjoy the journey!

Coaching Questions:

Has it been awhile since you read your owner’s manual (the Bible)?

Have you investigated your factory settings so that you know how to run at peak performance?

Are you living your life as a pre-owned vehicle...all rough and erratic, or are you operating in Holy Spirit driven 'learning' mode?

Are you helping stranded motorists along the way?

Are you taking time to enjoy the view?

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