Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Glimpse of Heaven on Earth

Have you experienced heaven on earth? I have...and I'm excited to tell you about it because I believe it will encourage you on your spiritual transformation journey.

I was literally born and raised a proud United Methodist. My mother sat on the back row of our church when she was pregnant with me, beside the Associate Pastor's wife, who was expecting their second child too. One thing all good United Methodists know is that ministers are appointed to serve in a church by their Bishop, and they are subject to being moved to different churches from time to time by the Bishop. As laity, we comment occasionally ..."if you've got a great pastor, who is a 'good fit' for your church, it's only a matter of time before you will lose them; but, if a pastor is sent to your church, and they are not a 'good fit'…be patient; it won't last forever."

Since I graduated from grad school, I have lived in the same State, but in several different towns. As a Methodist, when you do this, an interesting thing happens. Not only do you know laity from all over the State, but you have the awesome privilege of interacting with clergy throughout their ministry as they zig zag, or circuit ride, throughout the State. So when a respected pastor and his wife, retire after 45 years in get a glimpse of heaven on earth...

The date was set and the word sent out that a retirement party was being given for this retiring ministerial couple at a local United Methodist Church. This respected couple had pastored churches all over the State, had served in administrative roles, which included District Superintendent, and had served as a pastor in one of the first cross racial appointments in the State. This man and his wife had touched my life, and I wasn't about to miss their retirement celebration!

So, just picture the diverse attendance...young, old, black, white, laity, and clergy- all persons whose lives had been touched by this couple. But then add the unexpected ingredient of the interconnection of pastors and laity in attendance, who had also lived in different parts of the State, as had I.  It was a grand reunion. Pastors and parishioners exchanging hugs and well-wishes to persons they had worshipped with and served with, but hadn't seen in years! It was a time of laughter, a time of heavenly music, and a time of remembrance. A celebration of God's servants, of persons united in faith, of God's love.

It was an awesome gathering! And, it was an awesome sneak peak of what is to come...One day, persons from all over the world, since the beginning of time, representing all denominations, all nations, and tribes...will be hugging, singing, and praising the one true God...and at that homecoming, you won't even need a name tag!

Although we are all on our spiritual transformation journey, and preparing for the time when we will be reunited with God, our loved ones, and our family of believers, don't undervalue the importance of seizing opportunities to celebrate with your brothers and sisters in Christ while waiting for the grand heavenly reunion! It’s one way you can experience ‘heaven on earth’ and it’s bound to stand out as a spiritual marker in your spiritual transformation journey!

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:9-11

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